Want that particular shade of color which seems to unavailable anywhere else? Pick up the color from our desktop easily using a color picker tool. Here is a list of top 10 color picker software download.
There is color picker software for Mac, color picker software for Ubuntu, color picker software for Windows 8 as well as color picker software Windows 7 free download.
Peacock Color Picker – Match colors like a pro! With basic color picking features, Peacock Color. A modern color picker built for designers and developers, that allows you to collect, organize and edit colors. It gives you the ability to share colors with everyone and link them between the other tools in your workflow. Our website provides a free download of Color Picker 2.2 for Mac. The latest version of the program is supported on Mac OS X 10.7 or later. This free software for Mac OS X was originally produced by huangkai31. This program's bundle is identified as com.apple.ScriptEditor.id. The most popular versions among the application users are 2.2 and 1.0.
With basic color picking features, Peacock Color Picker by Reohix is an ideal option for finding matching colors – both professionals and home users will find this software useful.
Color seizer is a simple color picker software that allows you to capture color from any pixel on your screen.
No need for a color wheel ever again, now that this small color picking tool is here to save the day!
Grab a color of choice from the screen and do much more with Absolute Color Picker software – absolutely free!
Solve your color questions with this nifty color picker software by Cosmin Software.
This software comes with a magnifier to make your color picking task that much easier!
Grab a pixel from your screen with the mouse pointer with this color picking software – it is 100% free!
This free Windows color picker tool will become your favorite tool to solve your color queries in a jiffy!
This is a no-frills software by 2XDSoft, grabbing pixels and displaying codes – ideal for home users or for quick reference for professionals.
This multi-utility free Windows software can double as your color diary as well as a handy color picker – excellent web developers!
Armed with these top 10 color picker tools, you can be sure that you never miss another favorite color ever again – and all this completely free of charge!
Find the color value of any color on your screen.
In the Digital Color Meter app on your Mac, do any of the following:
How to download onenote in mac. Find the value of a color: Move the pointer over the pixels whose values you want to see. The color under the pointer is displayed in the Digital Color Meter window, with its color values on the right.
To change the format of the displayed color values for RGB-based color spaces, choose View > Display Values.
Adjust the size of the aperture: Drag the Aperture Size slider. Make the aperture smaller to select a small area or a single pixel. If more than one pixel is within the aperture, the color values of all pixels are averaged.
Choose a different color space: Click the pop-up menu, then choose a color space. The values shown are specific to the color space you choose.
Lock the aperture’s location: Do one of the following:
Lock the aperture horizontally: Press Command-X.
Lock the aperture vertically: Press Command-Y.
Lock the aperture in both directions: Press Command-L.
Locking the aperture makes it easier to copy the pixel’s color value. When the aperture is locked both horizontally and vertically, it doesn’t move as you move the pointer.
Copy the color value: Do one of the following:
Copy the color value as text: Choose Color > Copy Color as Text, or press Shift-Command-C.
Copy the color value as an image: Choose Color > Copy Color as Image, or press Option-Command-C.