Installing Hadoop on OSX I decided that I wanted to setup a Hadoop cluster on the Mac’s I run, this was mainly decided because of Xgrid not begin available anymore on the new version os OsX. I have setup SGE clusters before, Xgrid obviously, and Microsoft Cluster Server so I wanted to get it under my belt. Hadoop 2.7.3 requires Java 7 or higher. Run the following command in a. Hadoop can also be run on a single-node in a pseudo-distributed mode where each Hadoop daemon runs in a separate Java process. Reply download macdrive for windows 10 says.

  1. Install Hadoop On Linux
  2. Mac Hadoop Install

Install Single Node Hadoop on Mac

Operating System: Mac OSX Yosemite
Hadoop Version 2.7.2

Install hadoop on linux

We need to enable SSH to localhost without a passphrase.

Go to System Preferences, then check “Remote Login” to ON.

Now in a terminal window, ensure that the following succeeds with no passphrase.
$>ssh localhost

Download Hadoop Distribution
Download the latest hadoop distribution from

Hadoop Configuration Files

Go to the directory where your hadoop distribution is installed.

Then change the following files




Format HDFS
$bin/hdfs namenode -format

Start HDFS

Start YARN

This tutorial aims to provide a step by step guide to Build Hadoop from Hadoop source on Windows OS. Tutorial for Building Hadoop 2.7.2 for Windows with Native Binaries. Documented tutorial link: Hadoop installation on windows Without Cygwin Solution for Spark Error: Many of you may tried running spark on Windows OS and faced below error on console.

This is because your hadoop distribution does not contains native binaries for Windows OS as they are not included in official Hadoop Distribution. So you need to build hadoop from its source for your OS. Climaxdigital vcap800 vhs camcorder usb video capture camera. Error like: 16/04/02 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform. Using builtin-java classes where applicable 16/04/02 ERROR Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path Could not locate executable null bin winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries. Solution for Hadoop Error: This error is also related to the Native Hadoop Binaries for Windows OS. So solution is same as above Spark problem that you need to build it for your Windows OS from Hadoop Source code. Error Like 16/04/03 ERROR util.Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path Could not locate executable C: hadoop bin winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries.

Winutils Exe Download

So just follow this tutorial video and at the end you will be able to get rid of these errors. Build Command Used: mvn package -Pdist,native-win -DskipTests -Dtar Download Links: 1. Download Hadoop source from 2. Download Microsoft.NET Framework 4 (Standalone Installer) from 3.

Download Windows SDK 7 Installer from or you can also use offline installer ISO from You will find 3 different ISO’s to download. GRMSDKENDVD.iso (x86) b. GRMSDKXENDVD.iso (AMD64) c. GRMSDKIAIENDVD.iso (Itanium) Please choose based on your OS type.

Download JDK according to your OS & CPU architecture from 5. Download and install 7-zip from 6. Download & extract Maven 3.0 or later from 7. Download ProtocolBuffer 2.5.0 from 8. Download CMake 3.5.0 or higher from 9. Download Cygwin installer from Official Hadoop On Windows Configuration guide: Official Hadoop building guide.

Download Apache Hadoop Sandbox, Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) and DataFlow (HDF) and get access to release notes, installation guides, tutorials and more.

In this post, i am going to show you how to setup Spark without Hadoop in standalone mode in windows. Step 1: Install JDK (Java Development Kit) Download JDK7 or later from and note the path where you installed. Step 2: Download Apache Spark Download a pre-built version of Apache Spark archive from. Extract the downloded Spark archive and note the path where you extracted.

Install Hadoop On Linux

(for example C: devtools spark) Step 3: Download winutils.exe for Hadoop Though we are not using Hadoop, spark throws error 'Failed to load the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path'. So download winutils.exe from and place it into a folder (for example C: devtools winutils bin winutils.exe) Note: winutils.exe utility may varies with OS. If it doesn't support to your OS, find supporting one from and use. Step 4: Create Environment Variables Open Control Panel - System and Security - Click on 'Advanced System Settings' - Click on 'Environment Variables' button. Add the following new USER variables: JAVAHOME (C: Program Files Java jdk1.8.0101) SPARKHOME ( C: devtools spark) HADOOP HOME (C: devtools winutils) Step 5: Set Classpath Add following paths to your PATH user variable:%SPARKHOME% bin%JAVAHOME% bin Step 6: Now Test it out! Open command prompt in administrator mode. Move to path where you setup the spark (i.e, C: devtools spark) 3.

Mac Hadoop Install

Check for a text file to play with like 4. Type spark-shell to enter spark-shell 5. Execute following statements val rdd = sc.textFile('') rdd.count You should get count of the number of lines in that file. Congratulations, you setup done and successfully run first Spark program also:) Enjoy Spark!

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